of Oakville

Welcome to the Bahá'í Community of Oakville
“The most important principle of divine philosophy is the oneness of the world of humanity, the unity of mankind, the bond conjoining East and West, the tie of love which blends human hearts.”

Who we are
The Bahá'í community of Oakville is a vibrant group of families and individuals that are interested in working towards unity and the welfare and prosperity of all. Through study, prayer, action and reflection, we strive to understand the teachings of Baha'u'llah and bring them forward in our endeavours. We have no church or formal centre, but rather we gather in people's homes and in public spaces for worship, prayer, Holy Days, festivals, celebrations and service.
We welcome all to get in touch, to learn more about the Bahá'í Faith and to join us in our community-building activities to help create a more united community.
The Bahá'í Faith does not have any clergy or religious leaders. Rather, on an annual basis the individual members of the Bahá'í community elect a group of nine individuals to serve on the Local Spiritual Assembly - an administrative body that guides the affairs of the community and ensures its unity and well-being.
There are approximately 150 Bahá'ís in Oakville who gather in homes and different venues across town to honour Bahá'í Holy Days, consult on matters of unity, engage in prayer and worship and create spaces for reflection.

Twofold Moral Purpose
Shoghi Effendi, the great grandson of Bahá’u’lláh tells us: "We cannot segregate the human heart from the environment outside us and say that once one of these is reformed everything will be improved."
As such, we believe that we have a two-fold moral purpose:
1) to transform ourselves through prayer, study, consultation, action and reflection.
2) to help transform society around us. We invite others to learn about this vision and mission and to join us in this lofty pursuit.
Get in Touch
Are you interested to know more about the Bahá'í Faith or community events? Please leave your name and email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. You can also reach us directly at: (905)-845-5555